Sunday, 29 January 2012

McFatty Monday {with linky}

What a week last week was! My two eldest started kindy and prep, we were in party planning mode all week, and it rained pretty much non stop.

And guess what else?! I lost 2 whole kilos!!! Lets see if I can keep it off.

I have been asked to trial the Tony Ferguson New Start plan. I am just wanting on all the products to arrive, so hopefully that will help me along the way. As well I have a long way to go, like 28kgs in fact!

I don't want to set any recordings in losing this weight, it took me a while to get to this state, so it will take me a while to get back to where I started. By making small changes here and there, I hope to make it a sustainable weight loss.

Does that sound like a fair enough approach?

The rain has hampered any outside exercise this past week, and it looks like the rain is setting in for a bit longer, but we are in the process of setting up the gym in the garage, so I should have plenty of tools at my disposal very soon.

Are you trying to change you habits? What are you doing to implement those changes?

Have you posted about healthy living or weight loss recently? Feel free to link up below!


  1. Yay for the weight loss. We managed to sneek in a walk yesterday morning before the rain about 5km, so pretty happy with that. If the rain holds off we are off for another walk this afternoon.

  2. I've been asked to try the Tony Ferguson system too, I'm hoping it will give me a good start.

  3. That's awesome Amy. I started the 1 million kilo challenge ( this week. I've only got about 6kg to lose but hubby much more so we are both following the meal plans. Suggested weight loss is 0.5-1kg per week. So I think you approach of making small changes will make a huge difference!
