Wednesday, 9 November 2011

My Creative Space- The it's almost Christmas edition

The kids have been begging me to make some Christmas decorations for the past month. We bought some supplies about a fortnight ago, but hadn't made a start on any. That was until yesterday afternoon. I finally got my act together and pulled out any Christmas related fabric I could find and let the kids choose the ones we were going to use.

We decided on making a wreath. I cut the fabric and the kids sorted the piles of fabric as I cut. Then began the kids arguing over what pattern we would go with! Once that was sorted the we started wrapping...

And not 20 minutes later we were finished! Ta Da!!

We are making another one today as we have a double front door.

Have you made any Christmas themed crafts lately?

There is sure to be some Christmas craft linked up over at Our Creative Spaces today! Pop on over and check out all the crafty goodness!


  1. that looks great, and the perfect craft for the kids to enjoy... thanks for the idea :)

  2. A great looking wreath! I love any craft where the kids can get their hands dirty.

  3. Ah 20 minute craft - that's my kind of craft!

  4. That looks super. Definitely going to copy this idea! What did you stick it down with?

  5. Miriam, we just used masking tap. I am crossing everything that it stays stuck down!

    And I just used flat headed pins to attached the fabric for the hanger.

  6. Very cute wreath, super simpering too. I love it!

  7. i am thinking some fabric or crochet holly? flowers? love it!

  8. Looks great Amy....can you come and make some with my kids?
