Wednesday 6 July 2011

Our Creative Space

This week has been a week of only a little crafting, I finished attaching the legs to Mahli's new doll, but still haven't got the courage to embroider her face... 

 I have been practising though, so hopefully she will have a face by tomorrow... wish me luck.

I thought I would also share a picture of my first ever pinwheels... they aren't great, but I am happy with them considering I need a new rotary cutter so resorted to scissors and they where my first ever so they will only get better from here.

I turned them into a cushion cover as apart of a gift for a swap partner.
Pop on over to Our Creative Spaces and be amazed by the awesomeness that is handmade!


  1. You've chosen lovely fabrics. They look great!

  2. love your pin wheels gorgeous fabric..aww how cute is your dolly! love the elephant fabric!! Im sure you will do a fabulous job of her face.:)

  3. The doll is lovely! So cute. I'm sure her face will turn out great!

  4. The doll looks so cute... hope her little face works out :)

  5. love the pinwheels - your colour choices are on the mark.

  6. Enjoy giving your dolly a gorgeous little face. That must surely be the best bit? x

  7. Love the doll - it is so cute!

    Thanks for stopping by little miss kate!

  8. gorgeous little dolly and that pinwheel cushion will look great!!

  9. Very very sweet dolly, and I love your cushion ... hmm wish I was swapping with you hehehehe
