Wednesday 13 July 2011

My creative space

This week there hasn't been much sewing in these parts, just lots of planning. I am attempting some actual quilt designs that aren't just charm squares sewn together which means I am having to rack my brains and actually use maths! I want to make I have everything sorted in my head and on paper before I start cutting up the gorgeous fabrics!

I am planning on using the fabric line for the first one,

then using Riley Blakes Hoo's in the Forest for the next one. Yes, there is a theme there! I love owls and am trying to coax Mahli to sleep in her bed by using gorgeous new quilts that she has seen me make for her... fingers crossed it works.

This week has also included copious amounts off time wasted on Pinterest drooling over gorgeous quilts for inspiration

What have you been making this week? I'd love to hear about it.

For tonnes more creative inspiration pop on over to Our Creative Space. I am sure plenty of people actually made something (or many things) this week and didn't just think about it like I did.


  1. Ah I've just signed up to pinterest! I'm a bit scared to get in there and sink my teeth in though, I ready feel like there's not enough time in the day!!
    Can't wait to see what the squares become!

  2. I love your choice of fabric - very pretty!

  3. Your quilt will be gorgeous! I have also recently found pininterest - a complete time waster but such great eye candy! I even have a board with the most amazing iced cakes- I cant even make a decent cake!!

  4. Lovely choice of fabrics Amy :)

    Pinterest is such a time waster isn't it but so addictive!


  5. I love owls too. I've finished a quilt for my son using the same fabric line in jelly roll. Just got to have the motivation to finish the one for my daughter.

  6. ooh you've just reminded me that I need to finish setting up my pininterest account & start a yummy board. Lovely fabrics!!

  7. Thanks for your comments guys! Glad to see I'm not the only one addicted to pinterest
