Thursday 30 June 2011

Things I'm Loving...


... Day trips with the kids.

Yesterday we headed off to Rockhampton to take the kids to see Cars 2 and go to the Zoo. They had a ball and I was glad to be out of the house. They are still excited this morning about there little adventure yesterday. We hadn't been to Rocky in over a year so it was a novelty for them to go.
First stop was the movies... The kids loved Cars and B got all excited when he heard Mark Winterbottom's voice was that of Frosty the Australia V8 in the movie.  Caden is still talking about the movie this morning (whilst looking through the toy catalogues for the Big W and K-Mart sales...)

Mahli loved her 3D glasses and they had to come home with us.

 Then after a bit of shopping (Who can pass up the sales at this time of year!!!) we headed to Rocky's version of a Zoo. With free entry it really is a great place for the kids to explore for an afternoon. Sorry for the dodgy photo's I had left my camera in the car so just used my phone...


Two Crocodiles Sunbathing

And a Chimp playing with himself... that was an interesting conversation with Mahli...

The Chimp again.
After this is was time to start the 1hr and a half journey home. 

And we were treated to this sight on the way home.

It was a great day and B and I have promised each other that we are going to do stuff like this more often.

What are you loving today? Pop on over to Paisley Jade's and share in the joy!


  1. Isn't a character - sooo cute. Sounds like you would of slept well after a huge day like that - the zoo wipes me out!

  2. Okay - that settles it - I've heard so many people say they LOVED Cars 2 I think I need to make the effort to take my eldest! She looks very pleased with her glasses - cute!

    How fab is it that there is a place like that you can go for free?! Definitely a good day out!

  3. Wonderful list - she looks so cute in her glasses!!
