Monday 20 June 2011

More pressies for me!

This week has been full of pressies and I am treasuring each and every one of them! I won a giveaway that the lovely Miss Prudence  held over on her blog and I received it in all it's glory yesterday!

Check it out. I got spoilt again!!!

They aren't the best photos as I have a habit of forgetting where I put my camera and had to resort to using my phone. But isn't the brooch just adorable and I am loving the crochet book! As you may or may not be aware I am attempting to teach myself how to crochet and this book as some fab step by step instructions.

I am linking up with Melody again this week. Pop on over and say Hi.

Anyhow I really have to finish cooking dinner so I best be off but I just wanted to show everyone what awesome things I received. Thanks so so much Lynda!


  1. Oh, I love packages in the mail, especially when they're full of such lovely things! Congrats on winning x

  2. Ooh that is a gorgeous are very lucky :)


  3. Congratulations on your win of such treasures !

  4. Ooo it all looks lovely! you lucky girl! Congratulation!

  5. What lovely gifts, certainly things to treasure. Congratulations on your win. Nothing better to brighten your day then to receive a lovely package in the mail such as this. I'm sure you will enjoy it :-)

  6. Such lovely goodies in the post...
