Friday 6 May 2011

Organised Home Challenge... An update

Remeber the Organised Home Challenge I joined in on the mousehouse is running...

Well Ta Dah!
That pesky Linen Cupboard... IS DONE!!! I got it done a few days ago whilst looking for things for my lil' brother. If you haven't read my previous post about what happened to him... here is a quick run done.

His house burnt down and unfortunately his housemate was home asleep at the time. He didn't make it... My condolences go to his friends and family... I don't want to say anymore about that as again, it's not my story...

G needed linen as he is staying with friends and has nothing so I set about to find him some. And I did...

So here is my before photo
Ugh, horrible hey!

And After!

With room down the bottom for the vacuum! YAY! Hubby was using it when I took this photo so that is why it isn't in it's new home! It will ive next to the poles we don't use for the portacot...

I put all the doona cover sets inside there pillow cases so nothing could get lost. I also put sheet set in the pillow cases with the doona sets it I only used them for that cover.

Oh, and do you notice how many novelty/beach towels we have??? A LOT! So if you know me well enough to by my kids birthday/Christmas presents, PLEASE no beach towels. K? Thanks.

I even made some Lavender scent satchels but Mahli decided that would be better off in her room. So I have to make some more...

Next on item on my list for the Challenge is the kids rooms... wish me luck! They are in need of new storage... which means I am shopping online at Ikea! Have I told you that I love that place? No... I'll save that for another post.

1 comment:

  1. I place sheet and doona sets inside a pillowcase too, makes for easier finding :)

    Unfortunately our linen cupboard is always a shambles due to the kids pulling things out and shoving them back in.

    Great job!!
