Monday 16 May 2011

happiness project

I signed up for the Happiness Project link up with Naomi of Seven Cherubs at the start of April.  I can't believe it has already been a month and a roller coaster of a month at that. I did miss a few days but thought I would post this any way.

April 10th:
I am so grateful for my children. My kids amaze me everyday and am often caught thinking "wow, I made that' (by "I", I obviously mean my husband and I, lol.
Also I spent a bit of time just watching the 'big' kids and hubby play on the trampoline this afternoon. They got so much joy out of that moment and I am grateful that they can have experiences like that almost every day.

April 11th: 
Caden went to kindy today. He makes me so happy when he comes home with lots of wonderful stories abut who he played with and what he did. I am glad he is able to go to kindy because of have seen him grow so much in the last two months. He can be sitting quietly by himself and then all of a sudden he starts signing a  familiar nursery rhyme, albeit with the words around the wrong way.

April 12th:
Caden at kindy again today. Just Me, Mahli and Ethan at home. Mahli got so excited when Ethan stood up by himself.

April 13th: 
Just another home day do an uber load of washing. Thank god there was lots of sun today to dry it!

April 14th:
I am so happy that my parents live close by so I can offload the two oldest kids for the night when need be because my god I needed to tonight. Brendan wasn't getting home till late as he had work and then footy training and Caden and Mahli where being feral. Caden asked if he could stay at Granny's and I jumped at the chance. Mahli doesn't usually like leaving me but she went too!!!

April 15th:
Caden and Mahli had swimming lessons today. At the end of the lesson there teacher said that they are the most polite and well behaved kids she has ever meet. I scoffed at that but took the compliment! She also commented that she couldn't believe how well they swim for only being 3 and 4. Proud mummy moment all around, I must be doing something right.

April 16th: I had to work today.... I miss my kids when I am at work. But it makes coming home so much sweeter.

April 24th:
Today was Easter. I am so glad we are all healthy and that my kids imagination is so... great... I enjoyed watching the kids do there Easter Egg hunt, watching them walk out to the lounge room in the morning and see that the Easter Bunny had come... It really was a fantastic day, well apart from Caden choking on the bacon rind at breakfast and vomiting all over the kitchen on the way to the toilet, but hey, I have an awesome Front loader washing machine for a reason!

April 25th: 
We are packing to go camping and the kids are jumping out of there skin with excitement!

April 26th: 
Our first day camping. The kids are beyond excited and their joy is spilling over into me.

April 27th:
It's raining! And yes we are camping. The kids are making mud pies in the rain...

April 28th:
Headed Home today! HOT SHOWER!!!

April 29th:
Massive amounts of cleaning and unpacking today. I think we bought the beach home with us!

April 30th:
I had to work today. Hopefully it is my last day. I am working casually whilst on maternity leave. But have told them I am not available until my maternity leave it over.

May 1st:
No happiness here today... my brothers house burnt down last night... he wasn't home at the time but his housemate was... he didn't make it

I missed these days as I had a very bad weekend and the days following where crappy too...

May 7th:
 We had a mini mothers day today cause hubby has to work tomorrow. I was woken up to the kids jumping on the bed and smothering me with kisses and yelling HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!

May 8th:

May 9th:
Spent some time with my Grandparents. My Grandad makes me laugh. He is so forgetful, but half the time I am sure he 'forgets' on purpose.

May 10th:
My Great Aunt arrived from Scotland today. It is awesome hearing stories from my grandads childhood and about my Great Nan that I never met.

Pop on over to Naomi's to check out how everyone else went with their Happiness Project.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for taking part in this project. Love your happiness list. Love that you are thankful for the sun with your uber load of washing and that you had a great time camping. So sorry with the tragedy of your brothers home and friend, cannot believe you keep writing and finding more happiness. So impressed!! what a great example you are. Naomi x
