Tuesday 10 May 2011

Can I have your attention please...

I want to share something pretty awesome with you today. I recently came across the WeFeedback program from some ads run by Nuffnang that appear at the bottom of my blog. So off I went to Mr Google to find out more and I was happily suprised with what I found.
"WeFeedback is a social media initiative of the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), the world's largest humanitarian organization. Each year, WFP brings food to millions of people so they can move on with their lives, receive an education, find employment and create a better life for their families."

Check out this video for some more info:

So why not pop on over to WeFeedback.org and have a play and make a donation. As said in the video above, any amount helps. You will be surprised at how little is costs for feed just one child.

This concludes my public service announcement today... As you were.

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