Monday 25 April 2011

Tuesday Treasures...

I did some thrifting... well not really thrifting... cause I was riffling through my Grandmothers cupboard and scored myself some Pyrex dishes.

I love vintage Pyrex (yep that is the old granny in me coming out again!). They are so much better than the new Pyrex dishes which are so bland and boring and just ain't what they used to be...

What kitchen items do you miss from the past???

Here is one more thing I treasure... 
Built and photographed by Caden
Caden built this from the looking at the picture on the box they came in. I think it is pretty good for a 4 year old... but I am biased :-)

I am playing along with Melody over at Pop on over and see what everyone else is Treasuring this Tuesday.
Till next time...


  1. Nothing like old kitchen wares - pyrex, old dinner sets and crockery and those 50s alumimium coloured cups! I love them.
    Caden did very well building - very good hand control. :)

  2. Yes your Grandma had good taste. Lovely old pyrex dishes. I loved those kind of building blocks when I was a kid (many moons ago)the ones with castle roofs and bridges etc. Well done Caden

  3. I love those old pyrex bowls as well , happen to own a few ;-) Caden did extremely well for a four year old , perhaps an engineer in the future .

  4. Your pyrex bowls are so pretty,they will last for many years. Your boy did a great job on the building.
    Happy days.

  5. I have only recently come to appreciate old kitchen wares. I am kicking myself now to think I have given so many away over the years.
    These are great.

  6. Yes, I adore vintage kitchen wares too, have a nice little collection now which I add to as often as I can :)
    That block tower is pretty spectacular.

  7. I love your bowls. I have two of a set that I got as an engagement present from a school friend and I have an orange three set that I got from a holiday unit that we had a while back and it came with all the kitchen things. The old pyrex things are much nicer as you say. You have every right to be proud of your little boy's achievement. Takes a lot of brain power to follow the picture on the box rather than just plonk them together.

  8. Thank you so much for playing along with Tuesday Treasures this week. I gave away all sorts of old kitchen ware when I went through an all white stage. Now I am really sorry.
    I agree that Caden did a great job with his tower.
