Wednesday 9 March 2011

Being domesticated... kinda!

I did some baking last night. I try to do a big batch of baking every few weeks. Usually I make biscuits, slices/muesli bars and muffins. I only managed to fit in some biscuit baking last night and I wanted to share the recipe. It is super easy and makes a HUGE amount of biscuits. I freeze them and pull them out as needed.

500g Butter
1 cup sugar
4 cups self raising flour
1 cup coconut
1 cup sultanas
1 cup choc drops
1 tin of condensed milk.

Cream the butter and sugar and then simply add the remaining ingredients. Once combined just roll into small balls or scoop out with teaspoon and place on lined baking tray and cook in a pre-heated over @ 180 degrees for approx 10-15 minutes.

Be warned you will need a BIG bowl and a few baking trays lined up!

This isn't all the biscuits! I had two trays in the oven and on Tupperware slice container full already!

Happy baking housewives! :-P

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