Tuesday 1 February 2011

He's Home!

I have some great news! My Grandad is home! He arrived home this afternoon after getting released from hospital yesterday and appears to be recovering well. That is a huge relief let me tell you. You see he scared the bejesus out of me last Monday as he had a stroke overnight Sunday night and was unable to use his right side or communicate at all. He has regained all his speech and movement, but it will still be a long road of recovery.

Love ya GD

Some other good news! My new Sewing Machine arrived while we where in Brisbane visiting Grandad. I LOVE her soooooooooooo much!

My new baby!
 And this is what I was doing today with my new baby!
Sherbet Pips
 Isn't the fabric just devine! I bought a Jelly Roll of Sherbet Pips from Corrie at Retromummy as I wanted an easy quilting project. I was going to make pinwheels out of them, but put that idea in the to hard basket for now as I have way to much going on at the moment and just wanted to finish a project asap. I need to buy some fabric for the backing still. I am thinking a plain red or grey??? Not sure yet.

I also forgot to tell you all about Caden's first day at Kindy since I was a bit pre-occupied with my Grandad and our trip to Brisbane to see him.
He had a fantastic first day last week. And he just melted my heart when he was sooooo excited to see that I was there to pick him up at the end of the day. On his first day he made a rocket ship! Yep that's right a rocket ship. Out of HUGE boxes. I had to put it in the boot of our car to get it home and we have a Ford Territory. This thing was almost as tall as Caden.  He also made matching necklaces for himself and Mahli. Naww, how cute is my big boy?!?!?

And last but not least it was Mahli's third birthday yesterday! The last 3 years have flown by but we have fit so much in. Mahli woke up yesterday morning with a very sore neck, she couldn't moved it and just cried and cried and cried. A trip to the doctor and some panadol and heat pack and she was abit more chipper, but she was still didn't have full movement of her neck back. It is still stiff today but no cry. So that is a plus! She was spolit this year with a Jessie doll, Lotso from Toy Story, her Guinea Pigs (Jessie and Minnie), a hutch for her guinea pigs, a new 13ft Trampoline and a Jumping Castle. The Tramp and the Castle where joint presents from all our Family.

Well I best be off to bed! Nighty Night!

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