Sunday 2 June 2013

Around here

It's like the weather knew that the calendar flipped over to the 1st of June and decided to freeze us all. We spent the weekend either by the fire outside or huddled inside under blankets. We really must invest in a heater, pronto!

Even the skies turned it on for us.

We had a cold week a few weeks ago and then it started to heat up a bit. We thought maybe that was what winter was like here... It was fresh every morning with temps around 8C and then the days would heat up to 25C and we would be getting around in shorts and t-shirts.

Well it appears that the warm weather has left us. Days have still be getting up to around 16-18C but factor in the winds and jeepers you are shivering in your boots! And talking about boots, I have actually been wearing boots, ALL DAY! Back in Queensland that was unheard of for me. Boots were only worn when we went out to the footy.

Heat packs have been warming the beds and more baking has been done than usual in an attempt to warm the house up.

What's the weather like in your part of the world? 

And I just have to share this photo of Ethan from last week. Man, his smile just melts me! 

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