Sunday 20 January 2013

The simple things: week 2

a weekly linky where we all can share the simple things in life that are making us smile.

This week my simple things post is a bit materialistic. The past few days have been fantastic in the way of parcels arriving in my hot little hands. I received a long awaited GO!baby fabric cutter. I have been longing for one for a long time. AND I got my hands on this gorgeous little necklace And over on my craft blog I declared that I was going to learn to stitch this year... Well this little parcel will certainly get me on my way.

Last week was a pretty average week, Caden came down with tonsillitis in the middle of the week meaning he couldn't continue with the VacSwim swimming lessons. My grandparents left on Friday so that means we won't be seeing any family for at least the next 4 months and our air conditioner died on Wednesday too. That wouldn't have been so bad if the house had ceiling fans... But it doesn't.
Enough of my whinging though! This post is supposed to be me sharing what made me smile. And like I said it was all materialistic things last week.
So now it's your turn.

What simple things made you smile this week? I would love it if you linked up below and shared your simple things from this week.
• it would be fantastic if you grabbed the badge below and added it to your post.
• please stop by and visit some of the other posts that are linked up.
• please spread the word about this linky. That would really make my day xx





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