Sunday 13 January 2013

the simple things-week 1

a weekly linky where we all can share the simple things in life that are making us smile. 

I am really excited about this lil linky. I think is is really important to reflect on the little things that make us smile through out the week.

I think sometimes we stew on the bigger things but it is usually the simple things that bring us the most joy.

Something that did make me more happy than I can tell possibly express is watching both Caden and Mahli play well with two new kids that they met on Friday. As soon as they met them they were off and playing together really well. This might be something normal for your kids, but for my eldest two this is huge. Both usually struggle in social situations but since moving here I have noticed a dramatic difference in their behaviour in new situations. They are both a lot more outgoing and talk more easily than I have ever experienced. I hope I haven't just jinxed it by saying (typing) that. But god, it make me a whole lot happy and a wee bit proud!

Another small moment this week was Ethan mastering climbing onto the swing in the backyard and swinging himself by moving his legs back and forth. The joy in his eyes almost eclipsed the joy in mine.

What simple things made you smile this week? I would love it if you linked up below and shared your simple things from this week.
• it would be fantastic if you grabbed the badge below and added it to your post.
• please stop by and visit some of the other posts that are linked up.
• please spread the word about this linky. That would really make my day xx

 Actually Amy



  1. I love this idea Amy - I'm glad I found your blog! It's nice to remember the small things, and to remember that you can blog about them too! I often get caught up in blogging about big transformations and projects - but the little things count too!

    1. Hi Catherine!

      I'm glad you found your way here too!

      I'll pop over and read your post soon

      Amy x
