Wednesday 15 August 2012

The Cat in a Hat...

... knows a lot about that!

So it is book week this week. Which means it is our first ever book week character parade!

Caden thought for days about what his costume would be and he finally decided on Cat in a Hat.

And like always I have left it until the last minute to make his costume.

I made the hat tonight and on started on the tail, gloves and bow tie. 

and he already got sauce on it...
And tomorrows task is to make the jumpsuit...

I need to get it all finished my tomorrow night as the parade is Friday. Wish me luck!

I am linking up here and here


  1. The hat looks great! Hope you get everything finished in time.

  2. It looks great!! Can't wait to see the finished product. Best of luck!

  3. Great hat! Good luck with the rest of the costume! My daughter has decided she wants to be a dragon out of a book she really likes! MMmmmmm! Enjoy the parade!

  4. You've got your work cut out. Is he going to have a fish in a dish?

  5. Brilliant hat. Love. Book week always makes me nervous!!! You're going to blitz it this year.

  6. I know I've said this elsewhere, but I love it!!
