Saturday 19 May 2012

Gourmet Garden Blog Off: Basil and Bacon Pasta

Some nights I only have a few minutes to get dinner cooked and on the table and since I had some yummy gourmet garden herbs at my disposal this week I thought I would give them a whirl and make a quick (and cheap) pasta dish for us all.

4 rashers bacon
300-500g pasta (depending on how many you are feeding)
1 tablespoon Gourmet Garden Chunky Garlic
1 tablespoon Gourmet Garden Basil
800g tinned tomatoes
Olive Oil

Dice bacon and onion. Heat small amount of oil in pan and add onion and 1 tablespoon of Gourmet Garden Chunky Garlic once oil is hot. Cook onion until it turns translucent and then add in bacon. Once bacon has cooked through pour in tinned tomatoes and tablespoon of Gourmet Garden Basil. Bring to boil and then let simmer for 5-10 minutes.

Whilst you are doing all the above put water on to boil for the spaghetti. Once the spaghetti is cooked add to the pasta sauce and mix through.

Now it is ready to serve!

These quantities were enough to feed our family of 5 and have 2 portions of left overs to freeze for lunches.


  1. Mmm - this looks great for an easy dinner and the kids would eat it too.

  2. What Trish said, I think this might be a recipe ALL of my children would eat (that is a very rare thing, indeed!), so thank you!
