Wednesday, 1 February 2012

My Creative Space

It's been a little while since I have done a creative space post here. It hasn't been for a lack of actually making something, but more like a lack of time to actually document it.

With Mahlis party last weekend, we spent a lot of time making decorations and baking. You can see the results of all my efforts here.

One of the things that didn't quite turn out as planned was the pinata. It was raining and humid here for the whole week leading up to her party, so the layers just refused to dry properly. But they still had fun with it.

I was sick of decorating by this stage and left it to my mum...

Now that the party planning is over, I plan on getting back to some of my WIPs. I have a few. I still haven't finished the quilt top that I posted about back here.

Or Cadens rag quilt that I started two weeks ago.

I only have two more rows to go which should take less than a hour, so I really have no excuse as to why I can't get it done...

Do you have a habit of starting projects when you haven't finished your last one?

I am linking up with Our Creative Spaces today


  1. I raise my hand to be guilty of doing that.Im trying to hard to stop myself from starting one thing becoming a bit bored with it and beginning something else. So far Ive stuck to my plan (but ask me in a few months time ;)

  2. yes, i start more than i finish, hee hee.

  3. I love the colors of your quilts.

    And I've never successfully made a pinata :(

  4. I love the colors of your quilts.

    And I've never successfully made a pinata :(
