Sunday, 6 November 2011

Weekend in iPhone photos...

WARNING-  photo overload!
I think we all need a rest after our weekend. We spent a lot of time outside and travelling around our local area. We visited our local version of a farmers market complete with jumping castle for the kids, stopped by the local road side fruit and vege markets, did some grocery shopping, B got to work on our patio extension that has been a work in progress for 2 years, yes 2 YEARS. Caden built a bird feeder for the garden with a little help from us, and I found a new use for our old ikea expedit desk top, more on that tomorrow though!

What did you get up to on the weekend?

1 comment:

  1. We normally go and get our fruit and vegies from these spot too. Our oldest knows the road to the farmers market and talks about how he is going on the jumping castle and having a milk shake on the drive.

    I think I surprised stall holders shopping one sunday pregnant and coming back the next with a baby.

    I am sure will will run into you somewhere one day, and now I know your pram you might be easier to spot.
