Monday, 24 October 2011

Tuesday Tunes

(If you are reading this via email, the video won't show, sorry you will have to view it on the blog)

We have been bustin' our moves to this a lot in the last week. Dancing is one of the activities we do when no one is watching...

Mahli is really getting into it. She is forever asking me to check out her new moves. Caden usually does his own version of a highland jig and well Ethan does this kind of raise the roof action that is hilarious!

I have been trying to record them, but every time I whip out my iPhone they hide from me.

What have you been listening to lately? Do your kids dance a lot?

I am linking up with Jess at Diary of a SAHM for I blog on Tuesdays


  1. Four-year-old Ella is obsessed with dancing! And it's been interesting to see one-year-old Holly start to dance more when music is played. It doesn't seem to matter what the music is for them, as long as it's got a good beat!! :)

  2. Aww yes my lil girl loves dancing too!! Managed to catch a vid or 2 of here and uploaded them on my Youtube channel (aisakuraharuka). Check it out when you can.. her current fave songs are Party Anthem (LMFAO) and pretty much anything from Rhianna, Britney Spears, Lady Gaga haha..

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  3. Rory is a dancer-extraordinaire. She loves to bust a move to anything that is on, and the Two have been known to start dancing at a tune they hear in someone's passing car, or even when their sister sings the alphabet! We are definitely a dancing household!

  4. Miss A loves to dance, I try to join in with her, but I must admit I am faking it. I don't really keep up with new music.
    Love the song above! I can imagine bopping and singing along to that one.

  5. Yes, kids love dancing. Can we get to the more important issue? How hot is that guy with the green(?) eyes? Also, I'm pretty sure they were in the local bar I used to hang out it every Friday and Saturday night back in my LA days ;)

  6. We dance all the time. Dinner time I pump the music and dance in the kitchen, and the kids often join in.
    Or laugh at me. :)

  7. Yes, you made my day, thank for the video, I think that you made an excellent choice publishing it!

  8. My girls love to dance. Unfortunately, this means I have to listen to Justin Bieber a whole lot. It's so great to see them dancing around and belly laughing without inhibition.

  9. I love this song! I'm super excited because I get to see them live at Big Day Out next year :)

    Skye and I often have a bop to whatever is playing on the radio, one of our favourites right now is "Up Up Up" by The Givers.
