Monday 18 July 2011

Tuesday Treasures

I haven't played along for a few weeks, but thought today I would share someone very special in our lives.

Bella is our gorgeous 7 year old Lab, she was apart of our lives pre-kids. She did everything with us and unfortunately since having kids she has had to take a back seat for a while. But she is still very much apart of our lives and we love her to bits (as you can tell by these photo of her and Mahli).

A favourite family movie is 'Marley and Me', the kids love it because well the dog looks just like Bella, but with Mahli's name...

What are you treasuring today? 

I am playing along with Melody today. Pop on over and say Hi!


  1. Oh gorgeous!! We had a gorgeous German Shepherd named Jakob, born the week we got married & raised 4 children with him. He was with us for 11 gorgeous years. The next one, Khan, is now 3.5 years old - he was born a month after our first passed away & he's just a fabulous, fantastic & fun, just love our German Shepherds. We want more for the farm, to protect & play with, hope they're equally friendly with the sheep & animals?? Love Posie

  2. Bella is beautiful and a real treasure for sure....I love her chocolate nose.

  3. such lovely pictures. .. i wish I had a dog! x

  4. that's a very sweet lab. my parents have a yellow lab named Buster that I always have to attack with love when I visit.

  5. Bella is very beautiful and its lovely to see her with Mahli. Labs have such beautiful natures and Bella surely is a treasure. Thank you so much for playing along today
