Tuesday 28 June 2011

Tuesday Treasures... Craft Swaps

I received another lovely present in the mail last week. It was two brooches for Justine for the flowerpress brooch swap.

Aren't they cute!

And the kids love the Charlie and Lola card that came with it.

And can you see the cute little moleskin notebook in the background??? Yep I got that too. Isn't she generous?!?

I am totally treasuring craft swaps lately, they are allowing me to discover some great little blogs on make some new bloggy friends! Yipee!

I am playing along with Melody today. Pop on over and see what everyone else is treasuring!


  1. How lovely to get happy mail! The generosity of blogging friends never ceases to amaze me. I have never participated in a swap but it is something I'd like to try some day. Enjoy your pretty brooches and your diary/journal. :)

  2. What wonderful swaps you have received. I'm sure will not only enjoy them but treasure them also :-)

  3. Lovely swap treasure. Enjoy. Don't you love non-window envelopes.
