Saturday 4 June 2011

#Trust30- So I just discovered that I have 15 minutes to live...

While wasting time on Twitter yesterday I came across a tweet  by TutuAmes about the #Trust30 challenge. I was intrigued and had to find out more.

#Trust30 is an online initiative and 30-day writing challenge that encourages you to look within and trust yourself. Use this as an opportunity to reflect on your now, and to create direction for your future. 30 prompts from inspiring thought-leaders will guide you on your writing journey.
For more info or to join up pop on over to

So over the next 30 days, I will be taking part in the #trust30 writing challenge.  This initiative was inspired by the Domino Project, and is part of a celebration of Ralph Waldo Emerson’s 208th birthday – a great thinker, who encouraged self-reliance and betterment.
Seeing as I am signing up late I am going to try and cram a few posts in a day for the next few days... Wish me luck!
We are afraid of truth, afraid of fortune, afraid of death, and afraid of each other. Our age yields no great and perfect persons. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

You just discovered you have fifteen minutes to live.
1. Set a timer for fifteen minutes.
2. Write the story that has to be written.

(Author: Gwen Bell)

Okay well first I will no doubt panic. I have an immense fear of death. That may sound funny coming from someone who only 6-8 months ago was extremely suicidal and it was something I wished for everyday. My fear of death is probably what kept me alive...

 I would want to record something for my children to keep. Either letters or voice/video recording. I would also record something for B. They would all be told the same thing in one way or another. They have changed my life in many immeasurable ways. As I tell them daily, I would tell them one last time that I love them to the moon and back and that they mean the world to me.
I would quickly call a few select people hoping to only get voice mail as I am on a deadline people. Whilst doing this I will be downing a bottle of Moscato as fast as I can.
I would give my kids one last cuddle and kiss and disappear with B to say my last goodbye.
Fifteen minutes would be over in a blink of and eye. But it is more than a lot of people get. Our lives are fragile. They could be over in a second. So for that reason try to live like there is no tomorrow. By this I mean, don't leave things unsaid. There is no point bottling up feelings. Release them, tell people what you think even if they won't agree with it. No doubt it is a discussion that needs to be had.

So what would you do if you only had 15 minutes to live???

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