Wednesday 15 June 2011

Our Creative Space

It's Thursday again peeps! Already, I hear you groan! Yep this week has flown by (or is that just me???)

But it also means it is time for Our creative space.

I have been attempting to teach myself how to knit different stitches as can be demostrated by these pictures...

See the yellow one, yep, done two rows and gave up, the shades of grey, I am getting there but it is driving me bonkers. I have discovered I can only knit whilst the kids are asleep or else where, I need to concentrate too damn much!

All I was trying to do was make some nice wash cloths to go with teatowel swap... so I gave up and just knitted two squares with a standard knit stitch, ta da!

I have also been playing with fabric and making all sorts of bracelet. The kids keep breaking my cheap beaded costume jewelry so I figured I would make something that they would find hard to break. I have made a fair few braided ones before, but am trying new ways to make them. These are just two of the braided ones, pretty boring, but easy to make and they add some colour to the gloomy winter days we are having.

And the postie was kind was kind to me today too! 

I got some Dick, Jane and Sally fabric and will be turning it into a quilt.

 Why don't you pop on over and check out all the creative people that are hanging out over here today!


  1. I tried knitting but just couldn't get the hang of it, so I stick with my crochet. Dishcloths are so easy to whip up and such a nice gift. Have a terrific Thursday. Tammy

  2. I've been trying to knit a scarf for my son. I'm on my fourth go. I just can't get the width right. It will be summer before it's ready!

    Loving your washcloths, though, what a brillian idea!

  3. you'll be knitting away without even looking before you know it! And crocheting too! Speaking of which has that parcel turned up yet? Let me know when it arrives - I always worry about parcels going missing.
