Friday 3 June 2011

I'm grateful for... Imagination

My kids imagination to be precise.

Today they have been on holidays to many far off places and right now are camping.

We have also been V8 supercar drivers...

And then stopping to pose for Mummy.

They make me smile everyday, but truthfully they annoy the bejesus out of me too most days! I was ready to walk out yesterday from hearing 'I'm Hungry' in the whinniest voice imaginable over and over again. Thankfully there has been none of that today!

I am playing along with Maxabella today. What are you grateful for?


  1. how do they manage to bring us so much pleasure and yet so much annoyance all at once?! Funny little things, aren't they?

    Gill xo

  2. I love watching the kids create, invent and 'play'. There is nothing better than a child with a wild imagination and they grow into beautiful adults too x

  3. Looks like they are having heaps of fun. Glad its been a good day for you too.

  4. Hehe, they're best when they're lost in play... because they leave you allone! ;o)

  5. I just love the imagination and innocence of children's play. One minute they're bugging the hell out of me and the next I'm marvelling at how adorable they are! Your little people looked like they had a lovely time.

  6. Kids games can take such unexpected turns. My kids have been entertaining themselves by charging each other imaginary $0.80 to use an imaginary toilet... Why $0.80? And where have they seen anyone pay for a toilet in this country? Last time we were somewhere we needed to pay for toilet was almost a year ago.

  7. Such sweet fun to see kids entertaining themselves and mum.

  8. Children's imaginations inspire me every day. I love the way they can work with what they have but see something completely new every single day. A lot to admire there!

    I love how he's got the bag over his head (the helmet, I'm guessing?) That is so something Maxi-Taxi would do!! x
