Sunday 23 September 2012


You are six, SIX! I can't believe that it has already been six years since we welcomed you into this world. Just last night your Dad was worrying about your bank account and wanted to know if we were putting enough into it. I reminded him that you were only six and that we had plenty of time before university, buying a car and any other large expense for you. He responded with it, 'yeah, but it feels like only yesterday he was born and now he is SIX'. He then had a bit of a moment. He can't believe you are six either.

You are the best big brother to Mahli and Ethan. You are kind and generous with your time. You are patient (mostly) when they want to play with your toys. And you are always looking out for them. I hope you continue to do so.

I love that you are still generous with your hugs and kisses, even in public. I hope you continue to do that for a long time too. I will never not welcome them with open arms. There will always be a place in me arms for you.

You are doing really well with your school work and we are so proud of you. We understand that you struggle sometimes in the playground with finding someone to play with. It can be scary, I know. And we are working on ways to make it easier for you. It doesn't seem to be from a lack of friends, you have no shortage of those, it seems that the unstructured play and lots of other kids make you nervous. You don't seem to have those problems outside of school, so we hope to work on things to make it better at school too.
We love you to the moon and back, Caden. We hope you enjoyed your special day.

1 comment:

  1. Happy 6th Birthday to Caden! Loving the lego cake. Great job Amy, I'm sure he would have loved his awesome lego themed party. My baby turns 5 on Wednesday. It's pretty scary how fast they grow. I don't think we ever stop worrying about them. I agree the playground is a scary place. Does he have a friend (from school) that he can have over for a playdate? we have found this sometimes helps with their confidence when they need to get together at lunchtime/playtime at school. You also get to see how they play together then you can offer some ideas for when it comes to asking friends to play at school playtime.
