Sunday 16 January 2011

Where do I begin?

I am trying for a fresh start to blogging... wish me luck. I was never much good at English whilst at school but that was almost a decade ago so hopefully my grammar has improved in the big wide world. Oh who am I kidding my grammar still sucks to put it bluntly, so I apologise to anyone who may discover my blog for any misspelt words, long sentences etc.

There are many reasons as to why I want to start blogging again, but mostly I just want somewhere to share my thoughts for the day and a place to display my new crafty pursuits. That was another thing I wasn't much good at whilst at school, Home Ec. But since having kids I seem to have gained a love of sewing, crafting and creating so I will be using this blog to keep track of my creations of which I hope there are many!

I have started to get back into sewing as some me time. I am recovering from Post Natal Depression after the birth of E who is now 7 months old. Well some days I feel like I am recovering and others just feel like I am back to square one. But my doctors and counsellors encouraged me to get back into something I enjoy so here goes. Wish me luck on my sewing journey or rather wish my sewing machine luck as I almost threw it out the window today followed my a phone call to my husband begging for a new one!

Well I guess that is it for now. I can hear a fight ensuing in the living room...

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